I have some good news! Most of u may already know it... I'm going to Wacken this year!!! I'm soooo happy >_<>
There're are quiet a few bands, that I'd really like to see ^^ Such as In Flames, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Blind Guardian, Dir en grey (!!!), Stratovarius, Schandmaul, Norther, Moonsorrow, Iced Earthed, J.B.O. ... ... ... and so on and so on.
Actually, I'm a bit scared xD last year, there were about 65.000 People O_ò and little me between all of these big Heavy Metal Fans xD
I prefere small live's... That's why the best concert i've ever been to, was from the Dresden Dolls. They played in a small Circus-Like tent, and the atmosphere was soo familiar and nice. I was able to stand in the first row without getting killed by the people behind and next to me ^^ Like Metallica and G 'n R was terrible last year... I don't like taking pictures of the big Screens next to the stage, because I can't see the Artist in the REAL Stage xD That sucks. I spent most of my time next to the beer tent, where a lot of nice drunken people came by and asked me to share their food with them xDD It's nice to be there, and of course nice to say that you saw a band like Metallica live ^^ but actually, I didn't enjoy it very much.
My father and little brother are going there this year too. But there won't be Metallica, neither G n' R. There'll be Velvet Revolver.
So little Lala goes to big Wacken xD Three days after I came back to Germany ^^
When I first asked my dad, he said "no, it's too early and I don't want you to go there without me".
Next day my mum wrote: "Are you crazy??? Going to a Metal Festival three days after U came back?? Dont't even think about it... ... ... I'm joking, Once I was young like you, too, so go for it and have fun!" xD My mum. THX!!!
Enough about Festivals, lets turn the speed a little bit down and talk about what happened today...
I went with Mario and Mads to Shimo-Kitazawa, a cool little place in South-West Tokyo. We came there to see Nana's (Ex-Exchange Student, she went to Austria) Band playing at a Livehouse. It was so... great >_<>_<
Then there was another band, which wasn't bad too, but not my fav. Style, and finally Jeepta went on stage. MFG, Nana is so damn cool when she plays drums. She's like smiling all the time, singing all the songs, and just looks sooo happy, after the Gig she's always so different than before.
Jeepta changed a lot since I saw them the first time last year... They became so professional. Last year I thought "ok, he could have sung this part a little bit higher and this deeper xD"
But today he was kind of perfect, and they built much more Guitar Soli into their songs. They also played my favorite song, what made me happy, so I can sleep well tonight ^_^
When they finished, the vocal said "Danke", what surprised me, cause it's German. (Means Thank You) When Nana passed us some paper to write our opinion about jeepta after the live, I wrote "Danke" too ^^ and passed it to Nana, saying "Bitte" (you're welcome/dou itashimashite).
A really cool evening ^^ After Jeepta, Mads, Mario and me went to a restaurant to eat something. I wasn't hungry at all, but Mario drunk too much Beer, and you all know, how much you love the place called toilet after drinking xD So we just searched a Restaurant for Mario and ordered some stuff for not being unpolite gaijin/foreigners. I don't feel like a gaijin, but I am one...
The Nigiri (Riceball with Seeweed around) I ordered was sooo huge O_o I can't eat until Next Monday, I'm sure.
K, I changed the setting of my blog, so that now everynbody can write comments. After Rich told me, that he wanted to write some but wasn't able to. He's sorry for writing to all the people who got the Mail from me *bows*
Ah, something wonderful, what I nearly forgot: from Today on, I have holidays until April 10th!
Yay ^_^ I love to wake up at 5:30 in the morning, caus my body is used to that time, to think "shit, i don't wanna get up now..." and then realize a minute later "wow, i don't have to get up!!!"
So let me sleep now xD I'm mecha tired and my eyes hurt so much...
Oyasumi Nasai!
Thursday, 1 March 2007
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huhu lalachan ^^
~Vorsicht dapanischer Eintrag~ xDDD
ich bin viel mehr genki als vorher, alles daijoubi ni nattat XDDD
hab heute "lost in translation" gemitat und es ist viel mehr omoshiroii wenn man nihongo wakarimasut XDDDDD
ja ich hoffe das klappt jetzt mit dem reinscheien udn ich schreb natuelich in deutsch!
ja ich eh den ganzen tag english laber. ja freutmich risig das du bei waken dabei bist ich hab meine karte schon und weiste was ich kommt viel frueh nach ahuse als du ;P hier is did schule schon may 25 zuende =) und dann hatte ich eigelich vor bischen zu chillen und dann mit tom zusammen anch deutshcnland zurueck und gerade so das er noch was von der deutschen schule mitbekommt. ich war hier erst auf einem konzert aber villt kommt in 8 tagen noch eins dazu mal sehen aber das is alles hadcore da tom halt mehr auf den scheis steht. ja wenn du erst 3 tage vor wacken anfang nach hause kommst bin ich ja schon in wacken das heist wir sehen uns erst in wacken wieder das wird korekt freu mich schon und keine ankst ich beschuetz dich for alld en grosen boesen metallers ;)
peace! RIchY
^_^ moin moin
und rate mal, wer bis dahin deine karte hütet wie seinen augapfel.. ^^" +autsch+
ja, die karten sind angekommen und somit auch deine =D ich geb sie dir dann wohl am flughafen, wenn du wiederkommst.. das wäre die persönlichste variante ^^
ich könnte sie ja auch ganz heimlich in deinen briefkasten werfen, aber das will ich nich :p
alsooo... ich schreib demnächst auch mal wieder nen eintrag^^
bzw. wenn ich wieder ganz gesund bin und die welt wieder richtig terrorisieren kann ^.~ +muhaha+
so.. is mein brief schon angekommen? xD
machs gut, luv+miss u <3
(-> siehe forrest gump : "jenniiii" ^^ ja, ich bin ein freak...)
ich verpeiltes kind hab natürlich nict mitbekommen , dass man dir schöne kommentare schreiben kann >.<" hab nir natürlich alles brav durchgelesenXD aber das iwie übersehen XD ,,... nja jetzt wo ich das doch hinbekomm hab schreib ich hier mal gleich alles mit unsinnigen zeug zu^^ ich hoff ma du hälst es wie gesa und freust dich trotzdemXD ...;)hast DUUUU eig mal deine ringröße rausbekommen XD sonst schick ich dir irgend ne größe :P ...alles gute weiterhin
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