Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Final Destination O_o

So I changed...
I had no other choice. Kawaranakya ikenai yo.
The third family.
Since last Saturday. That makes 4/5 Days.
I hate it.
I cry.
I want to go back.
I loved the one before so much ...
And I don't like the one that I'm with right now.
I'm really in dispair right now.
They think I stay with them until I go back to Germany.
But I heard before from my old hostdad, that I will change back to them for the last month.
And now? The new one booked I flight to Okinawa, an Island of Japan, for vacation with me.
Nice, hm? But They booked it in the last month that I'm here. the last week before I go back.
When I came here last Saturday, they asked me, if I'm okay with the date. I said "not really". But today I came home from school and the two little girls came running to me, smiling because THEY're happy, not carrying about MY feelings. They booked it. I want to use the last days to spent time with my friends here, before I maybe won't see them ever again. I want to use the last time here, to do what I WANT.
Because now... I'm in that cage again.
I live in the children's room, and they are really really noisy, annoying and get on my nervs. I have headache every evening, stress, no free time/space for my own, I can't relax. And I'm always close to crying.
And on top of that, everything changes against me. Might be just imagination. But it feels like that. My parents aren't online that I can talk to them, I'm not allowed to go out as often as before (once a week is too much for them.), and a lot of little simple things, like the train just leaves when I arrive at the platform, it starts to rain when I get out of the school, ...
Somebody help me away from here.

In the end, a questionaire I took from Denni's blog:

Three names you answer to:

Three online-names you used:

Three things you like on your body:
my eyes,

Three things you don't like on your body:
The whole shape,
My skin,
my "Overbody" ? torso...

Three things you're afraid of:
Loosing contact to my friends
get fucked up at 12th grade coz I missed one year
That my granny dies

Three of your daily needs:
some Activity, no matter what

Three things you're wearing right now:
Our official T-shirt from the Japan-Tour
Training-pants which my last hostmum bought for me
A necklace, which i recieved from my old hostbrother as a present

Three of your favorite Bands or Artists:
Led Zepplin
Salvador Dalí

Three of your favorite songs:
November Rain - Guns n' Roses
Kodou - Dir en grey
Stairway To Heaven - Lep Zepplin

Two truths and a lie:
I want to live in Japan one day
I love Hamburg as much as Tokyo
My biggest dream ever is/was to become genius in playing Guitar and to play it in a band

Three things you find attractive about your preferred gender's apperance:
The back... I have a special preferred shape of a male back xD
Own style for clothes + interesting/funny/creative hairstyle
a little femaleish face...

Three of your favorite hobbys:
Make/Listen to music

Three things u'd really like to do right now:
Be far away from this place, with Mario or my friends, preferred on the Sea - just watching the waves come and break.
Change back to my old host family
Do the Japan Tour again

Three carriers you're considering / have considered:
Make-up Artist
Costume Designer
Professor for Japanese Studies

Three places you'd like to make holidays at:
My Granny's house

Three children names you like:
Maria (english spelling or spanish... not the german one)

Three things you want to do before you die:
See as much of the world as possible
Live my own life with a good job and the person I love
Be able to speak Japanese fluently

Three reasons why you're a stereotype girl:
I like Make-Up and Shopping for clothes
I do Horse-Riding

Three famous people you're in love with:
hide (rip...)
Jake Gyllenhaal ...

Three people who you'd like to do this quiz:
My Brother

love, lala

Thursday, 5 April 2007


The Japan Tour is over, and I'm back in Tokyo again!!
The Tour was sooooo f****** great >_< we saw a lot of the country,
I made maybe more than 500~800 pictures.
We spent a lot of time in our Tour-Bus, and I feel like we were in the bus
more than outside in the country O_o but yeah, whereever we went it was kinda cool.
At first we went to Osaka, then by subway to Kobe, back to Osaka, -> Hiroshima -> Fukouka -> Yakushima, .... ... and also up to Sendai/Matsushima. I liked Yakushima and Hiroshima the most <3
I'll make a photoalbum soon, where u can see the "best" pictures i made like a diary. Just wait a few days xD
I'll change my hostfamily tomorrow, so it may take some time.
I'm so excited >_< They seem to be really really nice. The next entry here will be written from their house ^^ tanoshimi ni shitete, ne!

I can't tell you everything about the Japan Tour now, I'll keep that in my mind for when we meet, then I have sth to talk about xDD

Something else I want to say:
The Sunday before the Tour, I went to Yokohama with Mario, to see a friends band playing a live ^_^ The band is called Hi-panda rocks, and yes, they rock xD
It was a competition that day, a few bands played and in the end, the audience had to choose their two favorite bands. The band that gets the most "voices" goes one step forward, to the next big live that takes place in Shibuya O-East. yay. Lordi will play there in April... xD I thought of going, for fun, with Momoka. But it's too expensive and on a bad date...
So back to the Panda-band-thing ^^
They won the competition. Of course xD No, not of course, it really wasn't clear at all.
What else.... The last band that played didn't join the competition, they were guests, but... whou... i didn't like their music very much, but the guitarist was..... awesome, genious, ... O_o Not only him, the bass, the drummer, ... they were good, but their sound was boring. They could be much better.
And I got the best hot chocolate in the world from yuki ^_^ I don't know if you will ever read this, but it really tastes good as hell, better than any cocoa i ever had.
I wasn't able to drink it with Mario yet, coz there was no hot milk we could get on the Japan tour... But I drunk it when I came back after the live in Yokohama xD I made a little "party for two" with my hostbrother in the kitchen xD He drunk beer, Me the Choco (and beer afterwards xD really.... please never do that. Cocoa and Beer don't go well). We celebrated his graduation from University and the won Band-Competition. It was a late, funny evening ^^

... Denni is back from NY. I'm really jealous xD she wrote about it a little in her Blog.
It sounds so great >_<
But hey... I'll go there one day too ^^ I'm still plannig my time after I finished school. I don't want to enter University imediatly. I'll save money and then have a good time, do a lot with friends, visit Mario in Mexico, Bulut in Turkey, go to NY... Actually my mind is screaming "GO OUT INTO THE WORLD AND SEE IT! SEE IT'S COLOURS, POVERTY, BEAUTY, PEOPLE, PAIN, ... I'll do. thx.
Maybe I'll catch up my dream as Make-Up Artist or Costume designer again... That's really my biggest dream of all. Study that in NY. Yay.
Too high? No. But it contains a lot of risks...

Now I have to pack.
Love ~ LaLa