Monday, 26 February 2007

Johnny Walker's cats and the other side of the world

Booh, me again.
I have to use the remaining time with this hostfamily, because.....
I went to my next one yesterday, after a Rotary Meeting. My next hostdad asked me, whether I have some time, and I just thought "to talk", but before I could have said "somewhere over the rainbow", I was sitting in his car on the way to his mansion.
And its..... small O_o the opposite to everything I'm used to, the whole apartment has the size of my livingroom in Germany! I won't have a room for myself, I'll live between a couple of childrens' books in a part of the living room (I call it living room, but it's the same room as the kitchen and diningroom).
But that won't kill me! The more important thing is, that they don't have Internet... not even a computer. It's said in the Rotary Rules, that every Hostfamily must have Internet for the exchange student. kyaaaa....... So from now on, you have to send me all the stuff you do at school, handwritten, on paper, per Airmail, not Email :P
No, you don't have to, i'll survive two month without learning 笑
I'm more worried about staying in contact with my friends (>_<) My current hostmum said that I can come as often as I want, to use their Internet ^_^ It's just, that they live at the end of Tokyo, outside of the Metro Map (the current one, the new one will be in Ueno, central Tokyo), and I don't want to come just to use their Internet, that's so unpolite... I'll search out for an InternetCafé somewhere... It'll work.

K, about the strange topic.
I'm reading Murakami Haruki's "Kafka on the shore" right now, it's such a wonderful book... and he's a genius. If you ever have the Chance to read his novels - don't hesitate!
Kafka on the Shore is one of those books, which u have to read twice, because it contains so many messages and.... wow.... *lala is not available right now, please call her later*
I read it in German about 9 month ago, and now here in Japan in English. It's completely different, when you read it in Japan, suddenly everything is so trusted.
And sometimes TOO trusted.
I was reading a really horrible part today on the train, when I was on my way back from school.
I read a description about a place, lonely, dirty, in Tokyo. I was really deep inside the book, I didn't hear anything from outside. Just when I read the name of the place in the book, the train stopped and someone rushed out, hitting me with his bag. I looked up and - I was at the same place, that I was just reading about. Nogata. I never realized this station before. I was so scared...
I went on reading, an came to the part, where "Johnny Walker" killed a cat in a disgusting way, why did Murakami-sama had to descibe it with so many details.... I shut the book when I got out of the train at my station, and when I walked home, sooo many (alive) cats passed me >_< I never saw so many cats on one day.
It's scary, I'll stop now. Just one more thing: Read this book! ^^
I'll go for dinner with my Hostmum now,

Saturday, 24 February 2007

Beer, Apocalyptica, and a Sailor

I had a wonderful Saturday yesterday with Mario ^^ We went to the Hard Rock Café in Roppongi at first (too expensive), where we spent some time with drinkin' Coctails and discussed about "what is Genius?".
He said, Lala is a Genius, I said Mario is more Genius coz he can play guitar.
He said, you don't have to be a genius to play guitar.
Then I'm stupid, coz I tried to play guitar so often, and always gave up.
Reminds me of how Jöran and me decided to learn Cello last year. Somehow we never even tried to 笑
Why did we want to?
Do you know this moments, when u listen to music and suddenly think "this is magic... it's perfect, it's love, it's ..... wow, ... I want to be able to play this instrument!"
What always happens to me when I listen to Led Zepplin, G'nR, Metallica or X Japan.
I so f****** want to play guitar >___< But no. I'm stuck on my beloved piano xD Yes, I love playing Piano. And when I'm back home, I'll play much more than ever before. So before deciding to learn Cello, we listened to Apocalyptica. This pretty amazing Finish band. No vocal. No drums. No Guitar. No Bass. Just Cello. And it sounds great. I'm not a huge Apocalyptica Fan, but I like a few of their songs, especially the old ones. They covered Master Of Puppets by Metallica in a small Club once, just for fun, with 4 cello and nothing else (matters), and after that some person from a record label asked them to make an album O_o That's why they call themselves "a lucky accident" sometimes ^^ So that's why Jöran and me wanted to learn Cello. But I think, Jöran should remain playing guitar+bass and not Cello. I actually never heard him play O_o By the way, I'm in love. With the song "Seemann" from Rammstein. Actually not the real Rammstein-Original, I discovered it yesterday on YouTube, performed by Apocalyptica feat. Nina Hagen. Don't tell me that the bass riff doesn't stuck in your heads after hearing. Here is the Original by Rammstein, live 1998. It starts after one and a half minute ^^:
And here the beautiful version by Nina Hagen and Apocalyptica:
I adore Nina Hagen for everything she does >_<

Aw, I shouldn't write blog xD I always write more than I want >_<
Sorry for that.
After Hard Rock Café we went to Akasaka, to a small German Restaurant. On the way there, we found an alcohol store where they had Becks!!! The beer you miss the most when you're far away from home, even if you actually don't like (pure) beer *lol*
The restaurant wasn't that bad, it was in Bavarian style and had a cuple of German Beer, like Flensburger, Paulaner, Franziskaner, Köstritzer (my favorite one, and now also Mario's ^^), Veltins, Diebels, Krombacher, ... ... ... We tried five of them ;)
Afterwards, the owner of the restaurant asked where we come from. When I said Germany, he got a little bit nervous 笑
It sounds weired, to say "He's from Mexico, I'm from Germany, and right now we live in Tokyo"... Good, but weired.
If you would have told me one year ago, that I will sit in Tokyo in my Tatami Room and talk to Lindsey in Beijing, after meeting friends from Mexico, America, France, Turkey, Malaysia and so on one day, i would have declared you a lier. Even after more than 6 month here, it's like a dream, and I'm scared to wake up one day.
But it made me open to more adventures xD
I want to see as much of the world as possible, want to study abroad, maybe in NY or again Tokyo, maybe Italy, I don't know. I just don't want to spend my life on one and the same place. I even don't know whether I want to live in Germany later.
Actually, yes, I want, because Hamburg is a great town, open for everything, international and number one in music. Germany is safe, we don't have earthquakes, tornados or vulcanic eruptions, we're against nuclear energy, seperate trash (lol, must sound weired, but when you live in Japan, it suddenly has a meaning to you), don't destroy the rainforest by using one-time-use chopsticks, ... ... ... ... ... ... and so on and so on.
But last week, scientists found out about vulcanic activity west Germany, where I was born.
They said, an eruption is possible every day now. whoou...
But in these days, it's nowhere really safe. Tokyo stands before a huge earthquake, Manhatten won't last for long, China is destoying our whole environment by building gigantic dams.
Waaa, I already talk to much again xDD I was just writing about how the owner of the restaurant asked us for our countries xD gomen.

So I came home late, and fell down in my bed like a stone and slept 12 hours in a row :P

One more thing, before I quit, about japanese mentality:
I was waiting for Mario in Shinjuku Station yesterday (he was 15 minutes late... Mexican ^^),
and remembered how two japanese friends of mine waited there for ME once. I wrote them a mail, that I will be late. And the answer was: "Don't mind, the truth is, that we're late TOO. so don't rush, set your mind at ease".
But that was NOT the thruth. Later, I heard from another NOT japanese friend, that they were waiting there since 10 minutes BEFORE the agreed time.
And that's what I hate the most. Why don't they just say the thruth?? They say yes instead of no, smile when they want to shout at you.
If i'd have send that mail to a friend from Germany, the answer might have been "Aaaarg, fuck you, now i have to wait and i dont WANT to wait! I hate you for that. But ok, thanks for telling me =) See you then, love you so much, xxx" a little bit "shizophren" ^^
笑 Not everybody answers like that, of course.
Hope u can figure out what I mean.


Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are...

Meine Damen und Herren, Ladys and Gentleman, Minasama, mesdames et messieurs ...

My Blog ^^
I know, it's just a "already designed - just need to login and write"-Blog, and nothing selfe-designed, but i decided this as the best solution during my (remaining) time in Japan. 'Cause who knows, if I can use my Laptop in the next hostfamily.
Aaaand: I made like 5 Layouts last week and they all suck *lol* I'll make one when I'm back home... when I have all my software. Maiko sent me Adobe Photoshop CS2 (thanx!!! love) but whenever it wants, it breaks down without saving my lay's -____-"
So here it is. the boring one. Enjoy it (^_^)v
Love, Lala