Tuesday, 8 May 2007

after a while... ....

Aloha Deutschland…
Ich komm’ nicht drum rum, ich muss jetzt einfach auch Deutsch schreiben >_<
Wenn man hier jeden Tag nur Japanisch und Englisch um die Ohren hat, passiert das schonmal, dass man aufeinmal anfängt, seiner eigenen Sprache nachzuweinen xD

Nja, ich hab euch ja ganz schön lange warten lassen, tut mir Leid… Momentan steht mein PC im „Kinder-Spielzimmer“ wo also den ganzen Tag Radau ist, und ich hasse es, wenn kleine Kids um mich herumrennen während ich am PC bin…
Jetzt bin ich grad erstmal in der Schule… Ich hab hier zwar kein Internet, aber irgendwofür kann man die täglichen freien drei Stunden in der Bücherei am eigenen Laptop ja nutzen, außer, die ganze Zeit zu lernen… Das is auf Dauer nämlich auch nich gesund ^^ K.
Also ich denke dieser Eintrag wird seeeeeeehr lang… sry Denni xD

Was ist in der Zeit, seit ich das letzte Mal geschrieben hab, passiert? Fühle ich mich immer noch nicht wohl in der „neuen“ Familie? Oder hab ich sogar schon wieder gewechselt??!
Am ersten Rotary Meeting, bei dem ich nach dem Wechsel war, erschien aufeinmal meine vorherige Gastmutter, wegen ein paar kleinen Dingen die ich bei ihnen vergessen hatte…
Das war schrecklich. Ich hab sofort angefangen zu heulen, als ich sie die Treppe heraufkommen sah und wollte auf die Toilette flüchten, aber kurz bevor ich durch die Tür entwischen konnte, sah sie mich und kam auf mich zugelaufen, um mir die Sachen zu überreichen… Nja, dann hat sie gesehen, dass ich geheult hab, und da hat sie auch angefangen >____< Komisch, diese Menschen auf dem Planeten Erde….
Sie gab mir die Sachen in einer Tüte vom Hotel Okura, einem Hotel in dem wir ab und zu zum Essen ausgegangen sind und wo wir auch Weihnachten „gefeiert“ haben.
Einen Tag nachdem ich gewechselt hatte, war bei ihnen eine Karte von Denni aus New York angekommen, das wusste ich nicht, aber als ich sie dann in der Tüte entdeckte, wars um Lala Gescheh’n >__< Ich dacht schon ich heul für den Rest des Tages O_o So sehr hab ich glaube ich seit ein paar Jahren nicht mehr geweint.
Nja, meine (vorherige) Gastmum hat dann unter Tränen irgendwas gefaselt von wegen „Nimm dir das doch nich zu Herzen… Wieso denn so traurig“ und blablabla, dabei hat sie doch selbst auch geweint ^^
War aber niedlich, wie sie auf mich zugelaufen kam um mir die Sachen zu geben…
Ich hab dann für den Rest des Meetings Tränen in den Augen gehabt und so gut wie nix gegessen. Meine Gastmum ebenfalls xD
Ich nenn sie immernoch „my Mum“ wenn ich von ihr bei den anderen Inbounds spreche, meine neue Gastmutter ist „my new Hostmum“. Ich bin fies, ich weiß…

Erstmal hab ich nach ca. einer Woche meinem Counselor eine Mail geschrieben, dass ich nicht mit den kleinen Kids um mich herum klarkomme, und mich auch sonst überhauptnicht wohl fühle. Daraufhin hat er sofort zurückgemailt und mich gebeten, am nächsten Tag in seinem Büro in Akihabara (Stadtteil von Tokyo, auch „Electric Town“, falls ihr mal herkommen solltet und Elektronik oder Games sucht, kommt ihr nicht drumherum hier vorbeizuschauen. Es wimmelt von „Maid Cafés“, das dürfte die männliche Seite interessieren… Nja, auf jedenfall ein lustiger lebendiger Teil Tokyos.) vorbeizuschauen, auf einen Tee und um über die Sache zu sprechen. Gesagt, getan, er hat mich von Bahnhof abgeholt, und nach einem 5 Minütigen Fußmarsch waren wir bei seiner Firma.
Nja… dann kam halt das Gespräch, bei dem nicht viel herauskam… natürlich hat er Dinge gesagt, wie „Es ist ja erst eine Woche her, du wirst dich schon eingewöhnen“ und „Es sind eben nicht alle Familien so, wie Familie Okazaki (meine vorherige Fam), und die Yamashitas sind eine sehr typisch japanische Familie. Ein Teil des Austausches ist es ja, so viele verschiedene Eindrücke wir nötig zu bekommen; …“ und blablabla.
Aber wo er Recht hat, hat er Recht >_<
Wie sind dabei verblieben, dass er versucht zum Ende Mai eine Gastfamilie zu finden, ich hatte vorher nämlich erwähnt, dass Ohno-san, ein Rotarier aus meinem Gastclub, mit dem ich sehr gut klarkomme (Im alten deutschen Blog existiert glaube ich ein Foto von mir und ihm… Auf der Yacht in Seabornia während dem Summercamp, wo ich am Steuerrad stehe…), und eben dieser hatte mich vor einem Monat oder so mal gefragt, ob ich nich eventuell den letzten Monat bei ihm und seiner Familie verbringen will… eventuell…
K. Yoshikawa-san (mein Counselor) hat mir also versprochen demnächst mit Ohno-san zu sprechen. Beim nächsten Rotary Meeting war dieser aber nicht da, sondern krank, daher ist das wohl ein wenig in Yoshikawa-sans Arbeit untergegangen…

Ich kam nach dem Treffen nach „Hause“, und es ging von da an erstmal ganz gut… Ich dachte „vielleicht dauert es halt noch ein wenig länger, bis du dich wohlfühlst…“
Nach ca. 3 Tagen gings dann auch. Aaaaaber. Dann kam der Tag…..
Es gab wieder ein Rotary Meeting, diesesmal ein größeres, richtig mit Liveband, Banquet, und es war auch noch ein weiterer Rotary Club anwesend… Ich versuch später mal Fotos davon onzustellen (xD deutsch mixt sich mit englisch… online stellen -> onstellen).
Einer der Rotarier aus meinem Gastclub stellte mir dort einen netten, 26-jährigen Deutschen aus Berlin vor, Steffen (armer Steffi ^^ mach dir nix draus, dein Spitzname bleibt immernoch einzigartig :P). Er hatte Japanologie studiert, war schonmal für ne längere Zeit in Japan, und nun möchte er Director werden und ist bis Februar nächsten Jahres in Tokyo, um kleine Filme zu drehen und so… Nja, wir ham eigentlich die ganze Zeit gelabert ^^ Als die Band dran war, welche nicht wirklich vom Hocker reißend war, verzogen wir uns in die Eingangshalle und redeten dort, da man drinnen sein eigenes Wort nicht verstand.
Irgendwann kam dann mein neuer Gastvater, starrte uns böse an und meinte, ich solle wieder reinkommen, es wäre bald zuende. Dabei hat er Steffen total ignoriert, kein Hallo oder sonstwas… Nja, wir sind dann also wieder rein, und nach 10 Minuten wars dann auch schon zu Ende… Mein Counselor Yoshikawa-san kam freundlich auf uns zu, und meinte wir sollten doch noch etwas bleiben, uns am Nachtisch vergreifen und noch ein wenig reden. Immerhin treffe man nich jeden Tag auf einen Deutschen zum Gedankenaustauschen in Tokyo…
Also beschlossen wir, uns noch kurz zu setzen, vorher suchten wir aber noch meinen Gastvater auf, um zu fragen um das in Ordnung ginge. Dieser war überhauptnicht freundlich, ignorierte Steffen wieder völlig, und fragte mich, warum ich mich noch was zu Essen holen wolle, wo es doch schon zuende sei. Ich wiederholte das, was Yoshikawa-san gesagt hatte, aber er beachtete es gar nicht, sondern blickte sich im Saal um. Dann wollte Steffen sich vorstellen, er sagte auf Akzentfreiem Japanisch die einleitenden üblichen Floskeln, und verbeugte sich leicht, doch – mein Gastvater ging einfach davon, so elegant wie ein Huhn beim Eierlegen…
Steffen war entsetzt von der Unfreundlichkeit, und ich erst recht O_o Nja, wir ham uns dann beim hinausgehen auf Deutsch darüber empört, wie grob und resprektlos dieser Kerl doch sei >_< is ja auch war.
Als wir dann in der Eingangshalle waren, drehte mein Gastvater sich zu mir um, als Steffen gerade dabeiwar, seine Jacke zu holen, und zeigte mir mit den Unterarmen ein Kreuz vor die Nase O___o Das heißt „dame“ – verboten.
Hallo?????? Was bitte??? Warum?!!!!
Im Auto auf dem Weg nach Hause meinte er dann, ich sollte mit diesem Deutschen nicht in Kontakt treten, mich nicht mit ihm treffen, usw. Ich fragte warum, und er meinte: Weil er kein Rotary Austauschschüler ist und ich den Rotarier nicht so gut kenne, welcher ihn mitgebracht hat. Na das nenn ich mal nen vernünftigen Grund O_o … … … *ironie*. Zum Glück hatten wir vorher noch Handynummern ausgetauscht, sodass wir zur Zeit mailen…
In der Woche danach frug ich meine neue Gastmutter einmal, ob ich nach der Schule noch mit Freunden essen gehen könne – sie meinte „ja, aber nur wenn’s nicht der Deutsche ist“
Kann mir mal bitte wer erklären, was mit denen abgeht? … …. ….. nein? Komisch.
Ich sagte dazu erstmal groß nix, aber mir fiel auf, das mein Gastvater mit der Zeit immer unfreundlicher wurde. Ich wurde sozusagen Alltag, und es kümmert ihn wohl nicht mehr, dass ich dabei bin wenn er seine Frau anfährt. Ein Hallo bekomme ich von ihm ebenfalls nicht, wenn ich abends nach Hause komme, oder er von der Arbeit zurückkehrt… sehr sympatisch >_< Am meisten geht mir halt auf den Geist, wie er mit seiner Frau umgeht, und wie er sich abends im engen Unterhemd und Boxershorts (er hat die Figur eines Sumoringers…) vor den Fernseher rollt und einen auf super-Macho macht. Dazu denkt er, ich sei eine verwöhnte reiche Göre O_o Nun mal langsam der Herr. Er meinte einmal als wir zum Essen waren: „Wie ist das eigentlich in Deutschland? Ist da auch so ein großer Spalt zwischen Armut und Reichtum wie hier? Ach, du kannst das ja nicht wissen, du wirst ja immer nur verwöhnt und so…“ *chrm* Entschuldigen Sie bitte…. Wichser. Nicolein kann wohl ganz gut bezeugen, dass ich auch die andere Seite der Medaille kenne… und abgesehen, so reich sind wir auch wieder nicht. Für die Japaner sieht es nur so aus, da hier Häuser zum Luxusleben gehören… und wenn du dann noch sagst, dass du ein Pferd hast, dann bist du gleich ne Prinzessin.
Aber nun weiter in den Geschehnissen letzten Monats.

Ende April find die Golden Week an – eine Woche frei =D Als erstes bin ich für drei Tage mit meiner Gastfamilie an einen Ort namens Nasu gefahren. Ich fand ihn relativ hässlich, die Japaner aber schön… eine menge Wald, kleine Flüsschen die sich hindurch schlängeln, eine reihe von ensprechenden Museen und Familienparks… Schattenseite: Der Wald ist halb abgestorben, die noch stehenden Bäume sind alle künstlich angelegt worden, dH sie stehen in Reihe und Glied, in den Bächern schwimmen Plastiktüten… Und beim Anblick der Tiere im Safaripark tat mir das Herz weh. Ich hab da richtig nen Schock bekommen, als ich gesehen hab, wie die Tiere da hausen… wenn ich eins nicht abkann, dann Tierquälerei. Auch wenn sie nicht absichtlich ist. Die Kaninchen im „Streichenzoo“ hatten teilweise kein Fell auf dem Rücken, die Rehe Geschwüre an den Geweihen, ein Zebra war stark am Humpeln und eine japanische Kuh oder was das war wollte erst gar nicht laufen, man sah aber ihr geschwollenes Bein. Die Löwen lebten in einem Käfig, in dem wirklich NICHTS war. Einfach eine platte Grasfläche und darum herum ein hoher Maschendrahtzaun…

Als wir dann endlich wieder zurück in Tokyo waren, bin ich gleich am nächsten Tag zu meiner vorherigen Gastfamilie nach Hause gefahren, da ich ihnen in Nasu einige Mitbringsel gekauft hatte. Es waren zwar nur Taichi (mein älterer Gastbruder) und die Mutter da, aber das war auch schon schön genug >_< Es war alles genau wie immer… … … „schreib mir ne Mail wenn du in Takadanobaba ankommst!“ und als ich dann an der kleinen Station ausstieg, wartete sie wie immer im dunkelblauen BMW vor dem Ausgang auf mich. Ich bin glaube ich noch nie so schnell vom Ausgang aus auf das Auto zugelaufen xD Wie immer vorne ums Auto rum, die Tür auf – und sie streckte mir zur Begrüßung weit lächelnd die Arme entgegen und tja… … … der übliche Weg „nach Hause“ … Megu, der Hund, hat mich fast umgebracht wie sie sich gefreut hat ^_^
… … War ein schöner Tag. Mittags sind wir spontan zu meinem lieblings-Italiener gefahren, obwohl ich ja eigentlich nur die Geschenke vorbeibringen wollte >_< Danach sind wir einkaufen gefahren, und meine „Mum“ hat mir alle meine Lieblings-knabbersachen gekauft, als ich in einer anderen Abteilung stöberte O_o da nützte es auch nicht, sich dagegen zu wehren, die Tüte anzunehmen…
Danach hab ich mich noch mit Mario getroffen und wir sind nach Shibuya, ein wenig Schaufensterbummeln.

Was war noch interessantes in der Golden Week… Ah, am Mittwoch ham wir in Odaiba, der neu gestalteten Hafenregion mit Strand, Parks und Shoppingmeilen, ein Barbeque veransteltet, also die Rotex, Inbounds und Outbounds. Jeder hat für sein Land typische Dinge zum essen mitgebacht, Ich hab Haribo Goldbären gekauft xDD Mario hat Tacos mitgebracht. War ganz lustig, auch wenn ich mir einen Sonnenbrand zugezogen hab O_o wir habens hier mittlerweile Mitte zwanzig Grad im Durchschnitt *ächz*
Donnerstag war ich mit Mads in Harajuku shoppen, weil er neue Klamotten haben wollte, aber wir haben nix für ihn gefunden >_< Ich aber xD Ein Loli-Kleid… Ich kann Japan doch nicht ohne verlassen O_o Mads hat sich im gleichen Laden in einen eleganten Mantel im Lestat-Vampir-Stil verliebt (jaja, die Rollenspieler… … …), hatte aber an dem Tag nicht genügend Geld dabei, daher werden wir wohl nächsten Donnerstag wieder hinfahren um ihn zu kaufen xD

Am Samstag war „Der Tag der Kinder“, den ich mit meiner Gastfamilie bei Verwandten verbracht habe. Der Bruder meines Gastvaters ist sogar noch unfreundlicher als er O_o Geht das?
Nachmittags waren wir draußen und haben Batminton gespielt, und die waren ganz erstaunt dass ich Batminton spielen kann O_o
Danach hab ich die Inline Skater ausprobiert, und da waren sie noch erschrockener „Wie, du kannst auch noch inlineskaten?? Was ist dein Hobby?“ „Reiten“ „………………….o.o“
Wie meine Mutter es gestern bei MSN ausdrückte: „Schon komisch, welche Vorstellung die von einem erfüllten Leben haben… Morris war genauso komisch.“

Kommen wir langsam zum Ende…
Ich hab vorgestern Abend eine zweite Mail an meinen Counselor mit der Bitte zu wechseln gesendet. Bis Mitternacht saß ich daran O_o Nja, direkt am nächsten Tag war Clubmeeting,
und er hat mir gesagt, dass er sich Mühe gibt was zu ändern.
Nach dem Meeting hat er eine kleine Konferenz deswegen einberufen O___o mit dem Präsidenten, Vize-Präsi, Ohno-san, dem Jugenddienstbeauftragten und noch einigen Vorstandsmitgliedern.
Ich hoffe, die verzweifeln nicht, nur weil klein Lala ihre Gastfamilie wechseln will. So sah nämlich das Gesicht meines Counselors aus xD
Der Konferenz konnte ich natürlich nicht beiwohnen, und nun warte ich auf eine Antwort von meinem Counselor, wie sie ausgegangen ist… er wollte sich eigentlich nachmittags telefonisch bei mir melden, aber bisher hab ich noch keine Antwort von ihm bekommen.
Drückt mir die Daumen.
Meine Mutter meinte, wenn die keinen Wechsel auf die Reihe bekommen, soll ich einfach früher nach Hause kommen, aber Mario hat mich fast auseinandergerissen, als ich ihm das gestern Abend erzählt hab, und mit Selbstmord gedroht xD abgesehen davon hab ich auch noch meine Ehre… Extrem viele haben in Deutschland gesagt, dass ich kein ganzes Jahr schaffen werde, dass ich früher nach Hause komme weil ich es nicht mehr aushalte. Dem kann ich nicht nachgeben, ich hab gesagt dass ich das schaffe.
Auch wenn ich euch alle extremst vermisse und mich jetzt schon wahnsinnig auf den Tag freue, an dem ich in Hamburg landen werde (wenn ich das denn tue… die Fluggesellschaft macht momentan ein paar Probleme…), ich will das hier durchziehen, mein Japanisch noch viel besser werden lassen, und abgesehen davon hab ich auch hier Freunde, von denen ich einige sobald das Austauschjahr vorbei ist, wohl nie wieder sehen werde… Wir sind einfach zu sehr in der Welt verteilt.
Vielleicht findet mein Counselor ja eine Lösung… vier Word Seiten und der Akku meines Laptops ist leer xD

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Final Destination O_o

So I changed...
I had no other choice. Kawaranakya ikenai yo.
The third family.
Since last Saturday. That makes 4/5 Days.
I hate it.
I cry.
I want to go back.
I loved the one before so much ...
And I don't like the one that I'm with right now.
I'm really in dispair right now.
They think I stay with them until I go back to Germany.
But I heard before from my old hostdad, that I will change back to them for the last month.
And now? The new one booked I flight to Okinawa, an Island of Japan, for vacation with me.
Nice, hm? But They booked it in the last month that I'm here. the last week before I go back.
When I came here last Saturday, they asked me, if I'm okay with the date. I said "not really". But today I came home from school and the two little girls came running to me, smiling because THEY're happy, not carrying about MY feelings. They booked it. I want to use the last days to spent time with my friends here, before I maybe won't see them ever again. I want to use the last time here, to do what I WANT.
Because now... I'm in that cage again.
I live in the children's room, and they are really really noisy, annoying and get on my nervs. I have headache every evening, stress, no free time/space for my own, I can't relax. And I'm always close to crying.
And on top of that, everything changes against me. Might be just imagination. But it feels like that. My parents aren't online that I can talk to them, I'm not allowed to go out as often as before (once a week is too much for them.), and a lot of little simple things, like the train just leaves when I arrive at the platform, it starts to rain when I get out of the school, ...
Somebody help me away from here.

In the end, a questionaire I took from Denni's blog:

Three names you answer to:

Three online-names you used:

Three things you like on your body:
my eyes,

Three things you don't like on your body:
The whole shape,
My skin,
my "Overbody" ? torso...

Three things you're afraid of:
Loosing contact to my friends
get fucked up at 12th grade coz I missed one year
That my granny dies

Three of your daily needs:
some Activity, no matter what

Three things you're wearing right now:
Our official T-shirt from the Japan-Tour
Training-pants which my last hostmum bought for me
A necklace, which i recieved from my old hostbrother as a present

Three of your favorite Bands or Artists:
Led Zepplin
Salvador Dalí

Three of your favorite songs:
November Rain - Guns n' Roses
Kodou - Dir en grey
Stairway To Heaven - Lep Zepplin

Two truths and a lie:
I want to live in Japan one day
I love Hamburg as much as Tokyo
My biggest dream ever is/was to become genius in playing Guitar and to play it in a band

Three things you find attractive about your preferred gender's apperance:
The back... I have a special preferred shape of a male back xD
Own style for clothes + interesting/funny/creative hairstyle
a little femaleish face...

Three of your favorite hobbys:
Make/Listen to music

Three things u'd really like to do right now:
Be far away from this place, with Mario or my friends, preferred on the Sea - just watching the waves come and break.
Change back to my old host family
Do the Japan Tour again

Three carriers you're considering / have considered:
Make-up Artist
Costume Designer
Professor for Japanese Studies

Three places you'd like to make holidays at:
My Granny's house

Three children names you like:
Maria (english spelling or spanish... not the german one)

Three things you want to do before you die:
See as much of the world as possible
Live my own life with a good job and the person I love
Be able to speak Japanese fluently

Three reasons why you're a stereotype girl:
I like Make-Up and Shopping for clothes
I do Horse-Riding

Three famous people you're in love with:
hide (rip...)
Jake Gyllenhaal ...

Three people who you'd like to do this quiz:
My Brother

love, lala

Thursday, 5 April 2007


The Japan Tour is over, and I'm back in Tokyo again!!
The Tour was sooooo f****** great >_< we saw a lot of the country,
I made maybe more than 500~800 pictures.
We spent a lot of time in our Tour-Bus, and I feel like we were in the bus
more than outside in the country O_o but yeah, whereever we went it was kinda cool.
At first we went to Osaka, then by subway to Kobe, back to Osaka, -> Hiroshima -> Fukouka -> Yakushima, .... ... and also up to Sendai/Matsushima. I liked Yakushima and Hiroshima the most <3
I'll make a photoalbum soon, where u can see the "best" pictures i made like a diary. Just wait a few days xD
I'll change my hostfamily tomorrow, so it may take some time.
I'm so excited >_< They seem to be really really nice. The next entry here will be written from their house ^^ tanoshimi ni shitete, ne!

I can't tell you everything about the Japan Tour now, I'll keep that in my mind for when we meet, then I have sth to talk about xDD

Something else I want to say:
The Sunday before the Tour, I went to Yokohama with Mario, to see a friends band playing a live ^_^ The band is called Hi-panda rocks, and yes, they rock xD
It was a competition that day, a few bands played and in the end, the audience had to choose their two favorite bands. The band that gets the most "voices" goes one step forward, to the next big live that takes place in Shibuya O-East. yay. Lordi will play there in April... xD I thought of going, for fun, with Momoka. But it's too expensive and on a bad date...
So back to the Panda-band-thing ^^
They won the competition. Of course xD No, not of course, it really wasn't clear at all.
What else.... The last band that played didn't join the competition, they were guests, but... whou... i didn't like their music very much, but the guitarist was..... awesome, genious, ... O_o Not only him, the bass, the drummer, ... they were good, but their sound was boring. They could be much better.
And I got the best hot chocolate in the world from yuki ^_^ I don't know if you will ever read this, but it really tastes good as hell, better than any cocoa i ever had.
I wasn't able to drink it with Mario yet, coz there was no hot milk we could get on the Japan tour... But I drunk it when I came back after the live in Yokohama xD I made a little "party for two" with my hostbrother in the kitchen xD He drunk beer, Me the Choco (and beer afterwards xD really.... please never do that. Cocoa and Beer don't go well). We celebrated his graduation from University and the won Band-Competition. It was a late, funny evening ^^

... Denni is back from NY. I'm really jealous xD she wrote about it a little in her Blog.
It sounds so great >_<
But hey... I'll go there one day too ^^ I'm still plannig my time after I finished school. I don't want to enter University imediatly. I'll save money and then have a good time, do a lot with friends, visit Mario in Mexico, Bulut in Turkey, go to NY... Actually my mind is screaming "GO OUT INTO THE WORLD AND SEE IT! SEE IT'S COLOURS, POVERTY, BEAUTY, PEOPLE, PAIN, ... I'll do. thx.
Maybe I'll catch up my dream as Make-Up Artist or Costume designer again... That's really my biggest dream of all. Study that in NY. Yay.
Too high? No. But it contains a lot of risks...

Now I have to pack.
Love ~ LaLa

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Japan Tour ahead!

You said, "I miss you so much"
"Everynight thinking of you
and facing loneliness"
But when you feel sadness
never can I stay with you

(X Japan - Unfinished)

No need to comment that quote from one of my favorite X Songs now.
It follows me.

It's been some time since i wrote the last entry. One week? Wakanai.
So time 4 a new one ^^ It's Sunday night, Saturday's just left. So is it called Saturday night or Sunday night? O_o It's Sunday. But ok. Who cares.
Today was Teaceremony lesson. After we spent the Saturday evening in Shibuya and in the Park between Harajuku and Shibuya with some Malibu, it was pretty hard to get up this morning xD but I arrived just in time. Yokatta.
Teaceremony was like always, I still can't remember the steps xD Affi help me.
After that I went to Harajuku with Diane, shopping. But just looking, be didn't buy anything. It's always so cool there >_< you always explore new little stores.

So now I can't sleep again. Like every night since two weeks O_o I'm tired, but when I go to bed I always stay awake one more hour. Sometimes two. I should get up earlier xD That's it.
This Sunday will be good, you can read then afterwards why and if it really went good ^^
Right now I'm a bit pissed O_o because of Mario. But I hope he'll give me a reason to forget the anger tomorrow.
He promised to come with me tomorrow, but some hours ago, he suddenly changed his opinion, saying that he has to pack O_o for the Japan Tour, that starts... on Tuesday?!
It will be soooo great >_< I'm really lookin' forward to it. We'll go by bus, all around Japan. Except for Okinawa and Hokkaido -.-"
We also won't go to Kyoto, because everybody has been there xD

That's it. Denni told me that she doesn't read all of my blog, cause it's too much ^^
She's right. I should stop.

one last thing: did you ever hear the last "mix" of "Forever Love"? it's kinda cool with the acustic guitar O_o I like it. very much.

Saturday, 17 March 2007

Dark dark dark ...

The topic has nothing to say. I'm just sitting here in the Living room in front of the TV and it's dark. No light on and the Screenlight of my Laptop makes me blind O_o
But ok ^^
I didn't write for a week now - record?
So what happened in that time... Last saturday Aubrey's Parents from America came over and we went singing Karaoke together xD really funny... Especially when the dad and Mads sung AC/DC together. Yay ^^ I'm looking forward for the next time.
On Wednesday, Mario and Mads came over to my house to visit the poor sick Lala ^^ because I catched a baaaad cold >_< It was so funny ^^ They played XBox the most of the time, but at five my Japanese Teacher came over and we had a lesson together, lol, she talked sooo much. And tought Mads how to say watashi xDD he always says washi *lol* cause he talks so fast and with Danish accent ^^ Later we made Sushi by ourselves, we drunk german beer, and my hostdad offered them Whiskey O___ò Mario was kinda scared then xD They didn't drink because they had to go back to their own hostfamilys who don't allow that. So my dad said "next time you stay here over night and we drink together!" my god...
Next day I met Momoka from Finland in Shinjuku and we went to a VisualKei/HeavyMetal CD store, which was soooooooo cool O_O They had a lot of rare, old Stuff, and luckily discount that day ^^ The highlight was obviously the 20 cm-high doll of Yoshiki xD
I bought two old Shoxx (music magazine) from 1993 ^^ yay. They had a box with AutographCards, 1000 yen for each O.o I can't remember which bands, but a lot. Ah, and they had the NIL-Album by Gazette in dark red fabric, which I have back in Germany. It's a limited Edition and sold out in general stores.
After that we went to Ochanomizu, the town of the 100 music stores ^^ Momoka never went there before, so we really had to go! ;)
She plays guitar and was looking for Plecs (i don't know how they're called in english, maybe pics... those small triangles u play with xD) from Dir en grey, and of course we found some.
I bought an X Japan Ballad Collection book for all Instruments, so when I'm back home I can play piano and my brother guitar from it ^^
He had birthday some days ago, and i sent him a plec/pic from hide, and wrote under it "it would make me proud when you play with it a lot" and he DID xD
I talked to him yesterday on messenger, and he sad, that the print of hides name and face on it was already gone after two days. Yay. But back to today!
I also bought a picture book of hide, which is really cool =)
Ah, and I forgot to tell about the Metal-Music store there ^^ There was a CD-Store that sold ONLY metal. Three floors, heavy metal, dark metal, trash metal, speed metal, ... everything you need.
Momoka entered the Store and was like "Oh my God! This band is from Finland!!! AND THIS ONE TOO!" She didn't know that Finish Metal is so popular xDDD Then she took pictures of the Children Of Bodom and Sonata Arctica CD's and another Band that I don't know but in which a relative of her plays O_o She said "Finland is so small, I think somehow we're all related to each other there, so it's not special when you say, that a member of your family plays in a famous band" xD The shop was so small, but sooo cool. I have to go there again with Mario. And everybody else who wants.

Going out yesterday made me ill again. My cold is back, stronger than before O_o iyada.

Now something apart from this all ^^
I'm going to have guitar lessons when I'm back O_o
I always wanted to play, and always gave up again too fast. And so I thought, I even gave up becoming a Make Up Artist, so at least, I have to try make THIS dream real. miau miau miau...
Seize the night ~

Saturday, 10 March 2007

the ball climbed the right mountain ^^

Wow, that was faster than I thought... I think it was necessary, that I wrote this down last time...'Coz I matched to find the right answer ^^I carried it with me over have a year... and now it's FINALLY over. I'm through the wall, got out of the valley, jumped over my shadow, let the bird fly, cut the rope, ... ... ... opened the bottle of beere ^^ by the way, I have to get some... some of the Beck's, that I received from Nobu.
No, I'm drinking the "Köstritzer" which I bought by myself. It's kind of poor, sitting here at 1:15 at night in the kitchen of my hostfamily in Japan, thinking of my mexican boyfriend, drinking german beer alone and listen to american music during talking to a danish friend on MSN. I should clean up, i ate three oranges xD there's no delicius Kaki in winter -.-" Why not? There's always anywhere a hot place on earth where it can grow ^-^
Ok, that's all for today...
love,happy Lala

Thursday, 8 March 2007

How unknown Bands become very very fast very very popular, and how myself makes a jump back in time...

Whou, I'm breaking writing records...
Excuse my Stairway to Heaven - Entry yesterday >_< I was just... in that mood.
Yesterday night, I couldn't sleep, I had a terrible "I'm a loser" trip and had to think the whole time about one special thing, about which I can't write here, because it's too personal. And it's pretty taihen >_< One of the hardest solutions I ever had to make. And I didn't find one yet... I'm still stuck on this thing and I think, I can't find the right answer before the Japan Tour...
I have it since the summer camp was over, and it's getting worse.
I'm not worried, I'm angry about myself. And I'm lost. Very lost. I'm kind of 85% close to a solution, but with only one sign from the other side, it could jump back to 50 or even 25%.
I'm talking in signs, gomen ne >_<
Normally, I'm not an Emo person. I'm more happy than sad. And even IF I'm sad, I won't let YOU see it. No. No reason why and I can't imagine, why you should be interested in my problems, so I keep everyone away from them.
I think, it's also the first time now, that I write sth like that O_o
So I'm like a ball in a valley now. I role up the one side, and when it get's too high, I roll back to the other side and back and back and back. Sometimes I'm stuck in the middle, but then a Storm comes over and blows me to one of the two sides, and then it goes on with back back back back back back back back back back back back...
And of course, there's not only left and right, I also roll forward in time and space all the time. Soon the Valley will be gone, and before I was able to climb ONE side, they are BOTH gone and I fall down the Waterfall at the end of the Valley.
I'm writing nonsense. No I don't, but I should stop now.

So let me start again, with today's topic!
The Band I was talking about last time xD The one I met in the Elevator.
I found out who they are.
And............................ lol.
Is there any European here, who doesn't know.... ... ... Take That????? xDDD
The band, Robbie Williams used to sing with.
They're like... the most popular Popband/Boygroup.
I don't like them, so it's ok that I didn't know their faces xD
I'm neither angry with myself nor do I think "why didn't I know????"
Lol, even my dad knows them.
I asked him on messenger before, whether he knows them.
His answer was
"yes, did anyone of them die??"
xD ... ... he was in a quiet good mood today.
I cut my hair. xD
At the Salon, I thought It looked good,
then outside and afterwards during hanging out with Kei and Nobu,
I thought it looks terrible.
Now I like it again xD I changed the Style a little bit.
I had the Webcam on when I talked to my dad, and his first comment was:
"If you had a frontbound on your forehead, you'd look like Axel Rose some years ago..."
Thanks dad xDDDD
So what happened to my hair? I have a little pony... I didn't want that, I said that, and the hairdresser said "ok, i won't cut so much in the front".
But he DID cut xD
The rest, he cut a little bit shorter (i didn't want that neither, but it was necessary... my hair was so sick >_<).
So when I now brush my hair, I always think "Eh???? Already over? where's my hair gone??"
Actually, I looked after he styled my hair like many other japanese girls xD terrible.
this cute pony and the curly hair-pointed sides... What you can see on every second poster here.
But when I went home, I took a bath at first and now I styled it MY way, and i'm contently happy with it ^^ I can do so many more things now. Yay.
After getting the Haircut, Kei and me met Nobu in Harajuku, and he had a present for me O_o
He actually told me, that he bought "that" before, but NOT, that he bought it for ME xD
He went to Germany for two weeks and came back last Friday - and what did he gave me today??
THREE bottles of Beck's!!! (german beer ^^) One Beck's Original, one Beck's Gold, and one Beck's Green Lemon.
Whooo... Thank you so much ^^ they are right here next to me now.

Yay, my hands look so scary skinny right now when I see them writing...
Today during havin' lunch with Kei, I thought "wow, they're so fat..."
But when it's getting evening, they always seem to become skinnier xD
I have a ring on my left thumb, and when I forget to take it off in the evening, I can't
do that in the morning xD scary scary scary. But now I can take it off so easily, nearly without any resist.
How interesting, Lara xD

Hm... so i got my haircut today in Harajuku together with Kei, had lunch with her, then we met Nobu, hung a little bit around in shops and then went to the Ginza Street, where I bought a CD of the Musical Chicago, and then I tried some ePianos in the Yamaha Shop, because.....
My father shocked me so much yesterday xD
He said, he's going to build a little record studio in our house *lool*
We don't need that.
But my brother got Turntables for his Birthday on Monday, and he also already bought Mixers and an electronic Drum-Table. O_o
I said, it would be cool if we could also record piano, instead of just guitar and bass and so on.
My dad said "actually your mum wishes an ePiano for Christmas... why don't we look for one??"
So that's why I went to the Yamaha store today.
But I don't like any of their ePianos. Their sound is so bad. Not beautiful at all.
I already said from the beginning on, that I think a "Kurzweil" is the best one. Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls plays one, and I heard it live on Stage and more than enough on CD to know, that it sounds really good.

I guess that's it for today.
Apricot Spells ~ Led Boy
Luca Turilli ~ Deamonheart
Imperanon ~ Shadowsouls
Nirvana ~ The Man Who Sold The World (unplugged)
Queen ~ Bohemian Rhapsody
Robbie Williams ~ Angels
Stratovarius ~ I'm Still Alive
Slipknot ~ Vermillion Pt. 2
Söhne Mannheims ~ Und wenn ein Lied
The Cure ~ Boys Don't Cry
Thin Lizzy ~ Whiskey in the Jar

And I'm sorry for the last time, I wrote Angus Young with a "d" in the end xD I shouldn't rush in the end...

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Stairway To Heaven

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.

Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
There's a sign on the wall
But she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook
There's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.

Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get
When I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen
Rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.

Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon
If we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go
In case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow,
And did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.

There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How ev'rything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.

When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

A lot of French, an unknown band, more unknown musicians and no money

Hello ~ I'm dead xD It's the 6th of March and I already have no more money. Until April ^^ I shouldn't have gone to Harajuku with Diane today.But it was my own Idea and at least, it was fun ^_^ wasn't it? And I think, I'm allowed to do things like that, because i'm a girl 笑 Actually I'm not sure O_o not here in Japan, sorrounded by all those beautiful women. I always feel so wrong and big when I enter a store xD they're so... fragile. I feel like the Elephant in the Porcelain Store. Yes. Even the boys here are skinnier than me O_oKowaii. But I try not to go down, instead I hear what my friends say. Beeing skinny is not womanlike. I guess ^^ I hope. I know. What else can I expect? Back home, I'll be the small Lala again ^^ Always the smallest. After Saskia. Here I feel more like Lara than Lala. Stupid? No, just what I think. Ok, back to the main topic. No money. The day after tomorrow, I'll have my first haircut in Japan! Wish me good luck. The problem is, that I don't have money. I hope that they take my Credit Card (what I don't believe) or that I get some money from my hostfamily. If not, I have to get some money from my bank account with the emergency found. I don't want.Ok, stop talking about money (whoooooooo, whe have this big Japan-Tour in the End of March, how will I survive???). About the Haircut ^^ I still don't know how I want them to cut it. I want to have longer hair than now, so I pray that they won't cut too much. But on the other side, I want something to play with, something to style easier than just long straight hair. You can do a lot of cool things with long hair, but that's nothing for daily life ^^I could copy "the lion king" :P Or better, old X-Japan stuff ^^ (I like Yoshiki's long hair more than the short version... And I like hide's short hair more than the long xD)blablabla... So it will be a surprise on Thursday. Whou... I want to color it, but I can't because of the strict Japanese School that I go to... I hate being just blond, and sometimes it looks like dirty, light, mose green with a touch of gray, instead of blond O_o I want the upper hair on the top to stay blond, and down under that, I want read or black. Actually I wanted Orange, pink or blue, but maybe later, when I'm student. Aarg, I have to many Ideas for what I want to do when I'm back in Germany with my hair, like Rainbowcolour-Extensions on just one side, twisted from the face to the back of the head. I just want it to stay long, and not to be only blond. But I have time to think. And I shouldn't bother you with this topic, I guess you want to read more interesting things as "hm... what haircut should I get...?" So stop this topic now too.
And write more about the Topic.
A lot of French?
Affi told me, that we probably can't quit French-class when I'm back in Germany *screams* That means, that I have a big Problem. Since I'm in Japan, I forgot how to speak and write French completely 笑 And my class in Germany starts reading the da Vinci Code by Dan Brown this year O_o I already had problems with children's books last year xDDD So what did I do yesterday?? I went to Kinokuniya in Shinjuku, a huge Bookstore, and bought a french book xD Guess which? Riiiight, Murakami Haruki's Kafka on the shore in French xD It's called "Kafka sur le rivage". I tried to read a bit already, and it's not so bad as I thought. I also try to read Diane's Blog in French.
And now I take a bath.

And now I'm back. Ten Minutes before one o 'clock am. Yay xD How interesting. Gomen.Let me go on with the Topic. The unknown Band. On Sunday, we went out for dinner. My Hostparents and me. We went to the Hyatt Hotel in Shinjuku, where "Lost in Translation" played =D We ate at the same place, where "Mistel Hallis" always sat in the evening, where the Lady with the fire-red hair sung and so on. The Piano was still there, but of course some other band playing. Which made me want to learn Bar-piano xD I remember, that my mum has some books about that at home... omg, i have too many plans for the summer holidays, when I'm back ^^ The restaurant is the highest place in Japan where you can eat! Of course, you can climb the Mount Fuji and eat there, I mean the highest located restaurant in a skyscraper ^^ Delicious deshita.
When we got out of the Taxi in front of the Hyatt Lobby, there was a crowd of Japanese Girls, stalking some foreigners, asking to take a picture with them and write autographs. I entered the Hotel with one of the guys the same time, and he smiled at me, but I didn't know his face at all! I guess he thought that I'm also a fan of his band xD How did I found out, that it was a band? My Hostparents and me went into the elevator, and they joined us - together with two huge bodyguards and a hysteric manager ^^ On the way up, one of the guys sung sth, i guess a song of his own band.We got out at the same floor, and one of the "musicians" said smiling "after you", and another one "Hello!" when I looked at him, trying to find out if I ever saw that face before. I really don't know who they were xD But there were so many half-crying Japanese girls downstairs... and the bodyguards... I've been here too long, I don't know what's going on in Europe's Music Scene 笑 And according to the song that one of them sung, it was Popmusic, one more reason why I don't know them. But i guess, when they even have fans in Japan, they can't be so unknown at all. K, those were the first unknown musicians.
Here the next ^^ There was a Classical Concert, organized by Rotary on Saturday. It was quiet cute ^^ At first the "Orchestra" of an elementary school played a madley of "Sound Of Music" and some more classical pieces. It was really cool to see those little girls and boys with their violins and all the other instruments. It looked like a real Orchestra, just that the people became children. They were quiet good for their age O_o bikkurishita.Then two young women played a Piano-Duett, A Sopran sung some french classical pieces, and last but not least there was a really good transverse flute playing girl (I don't know how to say "Floetistin" in English...). I had to think of Juli the whole time >_< How is she doing? How do her Flute-Lessons go on? Which pieces does she play at the moment? Is she better than this girl? Arg... I couldn't stop, I had a terrible sad backflash of so many things we did together... makes me wanna go home. After the concert, I talked a bit to the "Sopranistin". I asked her which pieces she likes to sing the most, and she said that she likes to sing Brahms (was it Brahms? O_o I forgot...) very much. Then Mario and Bulut came, and the asked us where we come from. When Mario said, that he's from Mexico and Bulut from Turkey, she asked, if Mexico is next to Turkey on the Map .
O_____o ................................................ 死んだ.
We died.
Did I mention, that I will take piano lessons when I'm at the next hostfamily? I played a little bit last week, and couldn't believe my eyes and ears. It looked so mecha mecha not elegant, so ungracefully. And it sounded even worse. The Piano isn't tuned and the little room has a quiet bad acoustic, but that can't be the only reason. So I asked my next hostmum, and because her little daughter also takes piano lessons, she agreed ^_^At first the little daughter ran towards me, screaming "than we can take lessons together! You can use my books with pieces for piano!" Ahm.... actually I wanted to learn a piece from Yann Tiersen and try Choplin, and not one-handed-children-songs ála Haensel and Gretel 笑 But I promised her to play together sometimes after the lessons =)Whou, it's going towards 2 am...I'd better close for today. Even If I can sleep deep into the day tomorrow.Today's Playlist during writing:
G n' R ~ Double Talking Jive
Yngwie Malmsteen ~ some madley on Youtube (His guitars are scalloped, but he's still a god. Even if I normally prefere Alexi Laiho, Angus Yound, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Slash and his Majesty Mr. Hendrix)
Childred Of Bodom ~ Hellion
Hide ~ Doubt '97 (Mixed Lemoned Jelly Mix)
The Who ~ Behind Blue Eyes
Metallica ~ Whiskey In The Jar
The Dresden Dolls ~ Neccessary Evil
J. S. Bach ~ BWV 565: Tocatta und Fuge
AC/DC ~ She Shook Me All Night Long
the Gazette ~ Filth in the Beauty
Meat Loaf ~ Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are
Don McLean ~ American Pie
Garth Brooks ~ Callin Baton Rouge
Hide (again)~ Pink Spider
Nightwish ~ Phantom of the Opera
Gary Jules ~ Mad World
Beethoven ~ Moonshine Sonata

What a Mix XD

and last but not least: The Dir en grey Withering to Death Album. I got a Backflash -_- I love this band so much....... ............ ............ The first Japanese Band I ever heard, and still my most loved. Especially this Album. Shinya had birthday two weeks ago... isn't he the most adorable drummer alive? ^_^ He was so... "All I wanna do is to play Drums, to feel my Music and to be here". Like that. And I still have my Toshi(ya) Wallpaper right now on my Laptop. *chrm* I don't really like it when Kyo starts scratching his body on stage... But I look forward to see them this August in Germany again!!!!

Thursday, 1 March 2007

life is live and live is life

I have some good news! Most of u may already know it... I'm going to Wacken this year!!! I'm soooo happy >_<> http://www.wacken.com
There're are quiet a few bands, that I'd really like to see ^^ Such as In Flames, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Blind Guardian, Dir en grey (!!!), Stratovarius, Schandmaul, Norther, Moonsorrow, Iced Earthed, J.B.O. ... ... ... and so on and so on.
Actually, I'm a bit scared xD last year, there were about 65.000 People O_ò and little me between all of these big Heavy Metal Fans xD
I prefere small live's... That's why the best concert i've ever been to, was from the Dresden Dolls. They played in a small Circus-Like tent, and the atmosphere was soo familiar and nice. I was able to stand in the first row without getting killed by the people behind and next to me ^^ Like Metallica and G 'n R was terrible last year... I don't like taking pictures of the big Screens next to the stage, because I can't see the Artist in the REAL Stage xD That sucks. I spent most of my time next to the beer tent, where a lot of nice drunken people came by and asked me to share their food with them xDD It's nice to be there, and of course nice to say that you saw a band like Metallica live ^^ but actually, I didn't enjoy it very much.
My father and little brother are going there this year too. But there won't be Metallica, neither G n' R. There'll be Velvet Revolver.
So little Lala goes to big Wacken xD Three days after I came back to Germany ^^
When I first asked my dad, he said "no, it's too early and I don't want you to go there without me".
Next day my mum wrote: "Are you crazy??? Going to a Metal Festival three days after U came back?? Dont't even think about it... ... ... I'm joking, Once I was young like you, too, so go for it and have fun!" xD My mum. THX!!!
Enough about Festivals, lets turn the speed a little bit down and talk about what happened today...
I went with Mario and Mads to Shimo-Kitazawa, a cool little place in South-West Tokyo. We came there to see Nana's (Ex-Exchange Student, she went to Austria) Band playing at a Livehouse. It was so... great >_<>_<
Then there was another band, which wasn't bad too, but not my fav. Style, and finally Jeepta went on stage. MFG, Nana is so damn cool when she plays drums. She's like smiling all the time, singing all the songs, and just looks sooo happy, after the Gig she's always so different than before.
Jeepta changed a lot since I saw them the first time last year... They became so professional. Last year I thought "ok, he could have sung this part a little bit higher and this deeper xD"
But today he was kind of perfect, and they built much more Guitar Soli into their songs. They also played my favorite song, what made me happy, so I can sleep well tonight ^_^
When they finished, the vocal said "Danke", what surprised me, cause it's German. (Means Thank You) When Nana passed us some paper to write our opinion about jeepta after the live, I wrote "Danke" too ^^ and passed it to Nana, saying "Bitte" (you're welcome/dou itashimashite).
A really cool evening ^^ After Jeepta, Mads, Mario and me went to a restaurant to eat something. I wasn't hungry at all, but Mario drunk too much Beer, and you all know, how much you love the place called toilet after drinking xD So we just searched a Restaurant for Mario and ordered some stuff for not being unpolite gaijin/foreigners. I don't feel like a gaijin, but I am one...
The Nigiri (Riceball with Seeweed around) I ordered was sooo huge O_o I can't eat until Next Monday, I'm sure.

K, I changed the setting of my blog, so that now everynbody can write comments. After Rich told me, that he wanted to write some but wasn't able to. He's sorry for writing to all the people who got the Mail from me *bows*

Ah, something wonderful, what I nearly forgot: from Today on, I have holidays until April 10th!
Yay ^_^ I love to wake up at 5:30 in the morning, caus my body is used to that time, to think "shit, i don't wanna get up now..." and then realize a minute later "wow, i don't have to get up!!!"
So let me sleep now xD I'm mecha tired and my eyes hurt so much...
Oyasumi Nasai!

Monday, 26 February 2007

Johnny Walker's cats and the other side of the world

Booh, me again.
I have to use the remaining time with this hostfamily, because.....
I went to my next one yesterday, after a Rotary Meeting. My next hostdad asked me, whether I have some time, and I just thought "to talk", but before I could have said "somewhere over the rainbow", I was sitting in his car on the way to his mansion.
And its..... small O_o the opposite to everything I'm used to, the whole apartment has the size of my livingroom in Germany! I won't have a room for myself, I'll live between a couple of childrens' books in a part of the living room (I call it living room, but it's the same room as the kitchen and diningroom).
But that won't kill me! The more important thing is, that they don't have Internet... not even a computer. It's said in the Rotary Rules, that every Hostfamily must have Internet for the exchange student. kyaaaa....... So from now on, you have to send me all the stuff you do at school, handwritten, on paper, per Airmail, not Email :P
No, you don't have to, i'll survive two month without learning 笑
I'm more worried about staying in contact with my friends (>_<) My current hostmum said that I can come as often as I want, to use their Internet ^_^ It's just, that they live at the end of Tokyo, outside of the Metro Map (the current one, the new one will be in Ueno, central Tokyo), and I don't want to come just to use their Internet, that's so unpolite... I'll search out for an InternetCafé somewhere... It'll work.

K, about the strange topic.
I'm reading Murakami Haruki's "Kafka on the shore" right now, it's such a wonderful book... and he's a genius. If you ever have the Chance to read his novels - don't hesitate!
Kafka on the Shore is one of those books, which u have to read twice, because it contains so many messages and.... wow.... *lala is not available right now, please call her later*
I read it in German about 9 month ago, and now here in Japan in English. It's completely different, when you read it in Japan, suddenly everything is so trusted.
And sometimes TOO trusted.
I was reading a really horrible part today on the train, when I was on my way back from school.
I read a description about a place, lonely, dirty, in Tokyo. I was really deep inside the book, I didn't hear anything from outside. Just when I read the name of the place in the book, the train stopped and someone rushed out, hitting me with his bag. I looked up and - I was at the same place, that I was just reading about. Nogata. I never realized this station before. I was so scared...
I went on reading, an came to the part, where "Johnny Walker" killed a cat in a disgusting way, why did Murakami-sama had to descibe it with so many details.... I shut the book when I got out of the train at my station, and when I walked home, sooo many (alive) cats passed me >_< I never saw so many cats on one day.
It's scary, I'll stop now. Just one more thing: Read this book! ^^
I'll go for dinner with my Hostmum now,

Saturday, 24 February 2007

Beer, Apocalyptica, and a Sailor

I had a wonderful Saturday yesterday with Mario ^^ We went to the Hard Rock Café in Roppongi at first (too expensive), where we spent some time with drinkin' Coctails and discussed about "what is Genius?".
He said, Lala is a Genius, I said Mario is more Genius coz he can play guitar.
He said, you don't have to be a genius to play guitar.
Then I'm stupid, coz I tried to play guitar so often, and always gave up.
Reminds me of how Jöran and me decided to learn Cello last year. Somehow we never even tried to 笑
Why did we want to?
Do you know this moments, when u listen to music and suddenly think "this is magic... it's perfect, it's love, it's ..... wow, ... I want to be able to play this instrument!"
What always happens to me when I listen to Led Zepplin, G'nR, Metallica or X Japan.
I so f****** want to play guitar >___< But no. I'm stuck on my beloved piano xD Yes, I love playing Piano. And when I'm back home, I'll play much more than ever before. So before deciding to learn Cello, we listened to Apocalyptica. This pretty amazing Finish band. No vocal. No drums. No Guitar. No Bass. Just Cello. And it sounds great. I'm not a huge Apocalyptica Fan, but I like a few of their songs, especially the old ones. They covered Master Of Puppets by Metallica in a small Club once, just for fun, with 4 cello and nothing else (matters), and after that some person from a record label asked them to make an album O_o That's why they call themselves "a lucky accident" sometimes ^^ So that's why Jöran and me wanted to learn Cello. But I think, Jöran should remain playing guitar+bass and not Cello. I actually never heard him play O_o By the way, I'm in love. With the song "Seemann" from Rammstein. Actually not the real Rammstein-Original, I discovered it yesterday on YouTube, performed by Apocalyptica feat. Nina Hagen. Don't tell me that the bass riff doesn't stuck in your heads after hearing. Here is the Original by Rammstein, live 1998. It starts after one and a half minute ^^:
And here the beautiful version by Nina Hagen and Apocalyptica:
I adore Nina Hagen for everything she does >_<

Aw, I shouldn't write blog xD I always write more than I want >_<
Sorry for that.
After Hard Rock Café we went to Akasaka, to a small German Restaurant. On the way there, we found an alcohol store where they had Becks!!! The beer you miss the most when you're far away from home, even if you actually don't like (pure) beer *lol*
The restaurant wasn't that bad, it was in Bavarian style and had a cuple of German Beer, like Flensburger, Paulaner, Franziskaner, Köstritzer (my favorite one, and now also Mario's ^^), Veltins, Diebels, Krombacher, ... ... ... We tried five of them ;)
Afterwards, the owner of the restaurant asked where we come from. When I said Germany, he got a little bit nervous 笑
It sounds weired, to say "He's from Mexico, I'm from Germany, and right now we live in Tokyo"... Good, but weired.
If you would have told me one year ago, that I will sit in Tokyo in my Tatami Room and talk to Lindsey in Beijing, after meeting friends from Mexico, America, France, Turkey, Malaysia and so on one day, i would have declared you a lier. Even after more than 6 month here, it's like a dream, and I'm scared to wake up one day.
But it made me open to more adventures xD
I want to see as much of the world as possible, want to study abroad, maybe in NY or again Tokyo, maybe Italy, I don't know. I just don't want to spend my life on one and the same place. I even don't know whether I want to live in Germany later.
Actually, yes, I want, because Hamburg is a great town, open for everything, international and number one in music. Germany is safe, we don't have earthquakes, tornados or vulcanic eruptions, we're against nuclear energy, seperate trash (lol, must sound weired, but when you live in Japan, it suddenly has a meaning to you), don't destroy the rainforest by using one-time-use chopsticks, ... ... ... ... ... ... and so on and so on.
But last week, scientists found out about vulcanic activity west Germany, where I was born.
They said, an eruption is possible every day now. whoou...
But in these days, it's nowhere really safe. Tokyo stands before a huge earthquake, Manhatten won't last for long, China is destoying our whole environment by building gigantic dams.
Waaa, I already talk to much again xDD I was just writing about how the owner of the restaurant asked us for our countries xD gomen.

So I came home late, and fell down in my bed like a stone and slept 12 hours in a row :P

One more thing, before I quit, about japanese mentality:
I was waiting for Mario in Shinjuku Station yesterday (he was 15 minutes late... Mexican ^^),
and remembered how two japanese friends of mine waited there for ME once. I wrote them a mail, that I will be late. And the answer was: "Don't mind, the truth is, that we're late TOO. so don't rush, set your mind at ease".
But that was NOT the thruth. Later, I heard from another NOT japanese friend, that they were waiting there since 10 minutes BEFORE the agreed time.
And that's what I hate the most. Why don't they just say the thruth?? They say yes instead of no, smile when they want to shout at you.
If i'd have send that mail to a friend from Germany, the answer might have been "Aaaarg, fuck you, now i have to wait and i dont WANT to wait! I hate you for that. But ok, thanks for telling me =) See you then, love you so much, xxx" a little bit "shizophren" ^^
笑 Not everybody answers like that, of course.
Hope u can figure out what I mean.


Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are...

Meine Damen und Herren, Ladys and Gentleman, Minasama, mesdames et messieurs ...

My Blog ^^
I know, it's just a "already designed - just need to login and write"-Blog, and nothing selfe-designed, but i decided this as the best solution during my (remaining) time in Japan. 'Cause who knows, if I can use my Laptop in the next hostfamily.
Aaaand: I made like 5 Layouts last week and they all suck *lol* I'll make one when I'm back home... when I have all my software. Maiko sent me Adobe Photoshop CS2 (thanx!!! love) but whenever it wants, it breaks down without saving my lay's -____-"
So here it is. the boring one. Enjoy it (^_^)v
Love, Lala